
Of Cats and Hobos selling shoes

A cat wandered near one of my safehouses in the outer sewers today on her rat hunt. She just walked in and didn't even look scared of me, which was quite refreshing. I gave here some rat meat and petted her. She stayed for three hours, purring on my lap as I watched Married with Children, then she left. I think we are friends now.

"Meow" - my new friend
Some homeless people deserve a voice acting job and some deserve to be rock stars with millions of fans like this guy.


  1. Doktor Pragoatse,

    One likes the way this blog is coming along. You seem to have a great number of stories to tell. Having a plunger for an arm?! Outrageous!

    Long may you Rule,
    -Lord Malignance

  2. It was not easy getting used to, but it led to some interesting situations.
