
Introducing a minon (he's a bear)

This is a short introduction of my new minion, The Nefarious Professor Paw! He's a super mutant assassin polar bear.

Very evil idea indeed, Professor Paw.


  1. Hey all this is Typhoid Maury, I'm the newest and the baddest of the bad Real Life Super Villians. Just dropping by to say hi and whats up.

  2. Doktor Pragoatse,

    Your talent continues to impress, and drives One to think of ways to improve Ones own work. Excellent!

    Polar Bears in Sewers? That's got to be where they're all going now.

    -Lord Malignance

  3. He was born in the Prague Zoo. Because people knew he was different they did not tell the public - then the 2002 floods came and flushed him to the sewers. Zoo personnel kept silent and presumed their mutated burden is lost forever. It was not.
